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The Users page defines who has access to a project. Here you can view members, update permissions and add and delete users from a project.

If you need to have your level of access changed but don't have the necessary permissions yourself, contact the administrator(s) of the project.

Adding Users

To add a new user to a project, go to the Users page under the project you want to add to, and click the "Add User" button at the top right.

add user button

You will get a pop up with a form to fill out for your new user. The form entries are:

  • User: The email address of the user you want to add. This will autocomplete for Fred Hutch staff, but you can enter in any email address.
  • Role: The role that you want the user to have, which will define what they have permission to do. See the role options above for information on how to choose a role.

If the email entered is not affiliated with Fred Hutch or the University of Washington, you will also be prompted to add the new user's name and organization.

Users will receive an email notification informing them that they have been added to a project. If the user is external and has not been added to a project before, they will also receive information on how to log in to Cirro and set a password.

Editing or Deleting Users

The users are organized in a table and by default are sorted by the user's name. You can change the sorting and add/remove columns using the three dots in the table header table icon, and also filter the users using the sidebar on the right side of the page.

To change something about a user, click on the user in question to get a pop up with options. To update the user's permissions, you can can select a new role from the drop down and click "Update". Or you can also delete the user from the project entirely by clicking "Remove".

User Roles

There are three possible roles for users that map to different sets of permissions.

  • Collaborator: This is View Only. This role can only view and download the data and analysis that has been run by others.
  • Contributor: This is Mid-Range Control. This role can spend money. They can upload data and run analysis like running pipelines and launching notebooks.
  • Admin: This is Full Control. This role can do anything, including destructive things. They can change permissions for other users and delete datasets, notebooks, etc.